
The inventions you need.

Month: May 2021

Tom brady

Many people wondered how Tom Brady recovered after undergoing knee surgery that left him out for the entire 2008-2009 season. It started well against Buffalo, but no one expected the Bills to be good, so that wasn’t a huge surprise….

Old movies are better!

Old movies are better. I’m not sure why. They are usually in black and white. Actors tend to be overly dramatic. The special effects are not up to the current “tobacco”. But still, old movies are the best. Well, not…

Find out how to relieve stress and get back to ‘normal’

One thing common to all people, ‘normal’ people and those we think of as having ‘problems’, is our ability to deal with stress and the accompanying emotions. I want you to think of your stress and your emotions as if…

The pros and cons of eBay

As effective as eBay is, it has its pros and cons. In today’s world, people find e-commerce extremely useful. With busy schedules and tons of work to be done in less than 24 hours, almost everyone prefers to shop online….

Eclectic Spanish Colonial Design

An old colonial home with refined taste and a touch of carefree vintage charm. The combination of old rustic patina doors and fresh clean lines, a blend of antique and modern, results in an exceptionally curated home that is incredibly…

The first rule of the sale: people do not like to be sold

The first and most fundamental selling rule is that people don’t like being sold. It’s a paradox: people buy things all the time. Trillions of dollars’ worth of products and services are bought and sold, in stores, by mail, on…

Social Bookmarks Vs Social Networks: What Are Their Differences?

Social bookmarking and social media: aren’t they the same? This is what most people tell me, especially people who are new to social media. Aside from the fact that they both begin with the word “social”, they are two completely…

Playing computer games for babies: the new tradition between parents and children?

Imagine hugging your toddler together to look at a picture book that is interactive, musical, responsive, and talks to you? This is the experience that people are having who are engaged in that relatively new hobby: playing computer games with…

Gaming Laptops: What Screen Resolution Should I Get?

Most of the time, this question about screen or screen resolution is often overlooked when a potential buyer is considering a gaming laptop. Everyone is concerned about the type and level of performance of the graphics and the processor or…

Can you skip the lean and green food on Medifast?

I get a lot of questions about “lean green food” from Medifast. If you are not familiar with this, it is the largest meal you prepare each day while on this diet. You can eat five packaged meals a day…