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Health Fitness

How to sleep better

Many people have trouble falling asleep at night; you can probably relate in one way or another. You need to get up in the morning to work in this world of morning people, so decide to go to bed at 10 p.m. In bed, you will probably watch TV or read a book for 30 minutes before turning off the desk light and lying on a side. Now the problem begins because many of us cannot turn off our brains. This guide will help you improve your rest and as a result start the day more prepared.


The environment is the key that makes us sleep or wake up. A long time ago we used light to wake up and darkness to sleep, it’s that simple. Today we use artificial light, cell phones and other equipment that keep us connected 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. To improve your night’s rest, consider dimming or turning off the light about 1 hour before bedtime.

Devices turned off

2 hours before bedtime avoid using any mind-activating device. In particular, I am referring to phones (especially touchscreens), tablets, mp3s, or computers. However, it is okay to use e-readers with e-ink displays, regular books, or televisions with the light dimmed. If you decide to watch television, it is recommended to avoid educational programs. Also close your eyes the moment you feel sleepy, don’t force against nature just to see the end of New Girl. Finally, do not turn off the LED TV with the remote control, instead, get out of bed and press the physical button. In this way you tell your brain that the television session is over and that it is time to sleep.

Practice meditation

We experience a lot of stress because we allow housework to bleed out into other parts of our day. For example: you have to design a new website to think about, during dinner, during downtime, all the time. It is a new trend that will undoubtedly remove a few years from our life expectancy because it is much more stressful on the mind and body. Better try this. Sit or lie down on the floor and fill your entire stomach with release of air. Whenever your mind starts to wander, capture the thought and visualize yourself by putting it in a box labeled “later.”

Once your mind and body are completely relaxed, take the box and give it a time frame. For example: I will work in my grandmother’s barn from 1:00 to 3:00 and no more, then after 3 I will reject any thoughts on the way. Warning: write great ideas for later, don’t let them sleep in your thoughts.

Practice meditation before bed at least 3 times a week. If you get dizzy, stop, your body needs to adjust to this new habit.

Move around during the day

Many devices have helped us move less progressively throughout our lives. There is a vacuum cleaner that works by itself, bicycles that run on electricity, and countless other inventions that prevent us from moving. For those of you who have seen Wall-E, we may go down that path! To sleep better, be sure to walk or run at least 10,000 steps during the day. There is no substitute for the satisfying feeling of your body melting into the sheets after a tiring day.

2 hour rule

Some cultures eat dinner very early in the afternoon, while others leave it late. From a scientific point of view, the latter may be better for your night’s rest, let me explain why. To rest better, it is recommended to stop eating 2 hours or more before going to bed. Your body can digest all food and you won’t be hungry at night. However, when you eat at, say, 5 in the afternoon, you will most likely crave a snack around 9 or 10. Your body has too much energy when you go to bed and falling asleep becomes more difficult. Also try to avoid energy-rich foods at night,


Coffee, tea and other beverages can keep us energized, but only if you are sensitive to these types of beverages. If you can’t sleep, I advise you to stop drinking any form of caffeine 3 hours before bed. This includes energy drinks, which are bad for you anyway, coffee and tea, among others. A glass of water is still the best medicine for thirst, but don’t drink a bottle an hour before bed just to be safe.

Clean the bed regularly

Clean sheets and pillows regularly to improve your bedtime. You should do this anyway, but instead of doing it twice a month, consider once a week, for example. It is easier to sleep in a clean bed and it is better for your health; after all, he’s on one for 8 hours a day.

Open the windows and stay cool

Keep your bedroom cool and make it your personal sleeping area. Open the window (one inch is enough) to maintain adequate ventilation at night. Make the bedroom comfortable by adding pillows, placing the bed near a wall, or taking other turns that make it feel more comfortable.

Sounds of … imagination

To turn off the alter egos in your head by analyzing every aspect of your rich day, there is a trick. It’s not suitable for everyone, but give it a try several times to see what it does to your body and mind. Before going to bed, turn off all the lights and be perfectly still. Stay aware of your breathing and try to keep your inhales and exhales long. After about 12 breaths, play 2 meditative songs (instrumental, sheet music) without any prior association, so don’t play the Titanic soundtrack, for example. Lie down on the bed and close your eyes, know that the music will stop automatically so it doesn’t matter if you fall asleep.

Lie perfectly still and stay with your body, carefully listen to the music as if you want to understand every note. Imagine a beautiful landscape where there is no currency or hatred of any kind. Stay there and watch it evolve. At the end of the song your body is calm ready to surrender to the night. Without getting out of bed again, roll onto your side and rest.

Hopefully your days will be great, but your nights even better by following these tips. Use what suits your environment / personality and hopefully you will get adequate results. Getting the necessary amount of sleep and rest is essential for our actions during the day. Your body will become stronger and more resistant to disease, your mind will be open to great new ideas, and your gestures will become more attractive to new people in your life. All thanks to 8 hours of inactivity, once a night, every night. Sweet Dreams!


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